Agent Definitions


An entity with a specific role that can exchange messages to send and receive information from other agents. An agent acts on behalf of its user and may possess properties such as autonomy, intelligence, learning ability, proactivity, and reactivity.


The capacity of an agent to act or exert power. Agency is attributed by an observer and is demonstrated by what the agent does.

Mental State

Agents can be viewed as manifesting intentionality and other aspects of “mental state” such as beliefs, commitments, capabilities and choices. The mental state influences the agent’s actions.


The ability of agents to act independently without external control.


The capacity to perceive its environment and respond in a timely fashion to changes that occur in it.


Agents are able to exhibit goal-directed behaviour by taking the initiative.


The capability to learn and improve with experience.


The ability to migrate in a self-directed way from one host platform to another.